January 2009 Blog Posts (767)

Poetry, Power, Intention, Attention.

I know this is very long and the attention span and patience seem to diminish online, but there's a lot of food for thought in it and I'd welcome any comments.


Human beings are born with voices, born with throats tongues mouths and ears, and a want and waste of words to try to capture or release what lies beneath them. Our voices are vessels, ships or kites which can catch something, some reflection, some shadow, of… Continue

Added by Dave Rock on January 6, 2009 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Every thought, every impulse...In French, English, Spanish

Chaque pensée, chaque impulsion, chaque émotion réactive qui s'active dans notre esprit à cause de l'ego, est l'outil de l'Adversaire. Ces pensées et émotions ne nous appartiennent pas. Mais nous pensons que oui. De fait, l’unique fois où nous nous connectons avec notre âme et notre vrai bonheur est quand nous nous résistons à ces pensées.

Quand nous reconnaissons la voix de l'ego comme la voix de l'Adversaire, nous pouvons faire quelque…

Added by krisaya on January 6, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

There is no judge in the whole country.(BURMA)

There is no judge in the whole country.(BURMA)

The most human right violation in the world going on this part of world. Its bigger then other problem of UN. As a citizen of Burma we have to live outside other country. People killed, Forced labor and rape is common thing inside Burma by SPDC Govt. We are without arms, lots of people killed when they showed voice against Military… Continue

Added by Faisal Alam on January 6, 2009 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Arts for peace 1

lyrics credit: John Lennon

lyrics credit: Achinoam Nini

credit: my DA

Added by Beatrice on January 6, 2009 at 12:36pm — No Comments

21ST Century Nazi (SPDC Govt. of Burma) made Rohingya kids into Street Roses (Street Boy Beggar) in big city of Bangladesh (Chittagong)

21ST Century Nazi (SPDC Govt. of Burma) made Rohingya kids into Street Roses (Street Boy Beggar) in big city of Bangladesh (Chittagong)

By Faisal Alam

September 26, 2008

I was walking in the street in Chittagong on September 18, I saw some boys and girls sitting together on the roadside, a boy came to me and asking for help and told me, “I’m hungry sir; I haven’t take food for long time”. I asked several question to that group of kids in big city of Bangladesh… Continue

Added by Faisal Alam on January 6, 2009 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Crop Circle predicts the coming of the Christ child (my prediction)

There is someone (GOD) behind you constantly watching, That is fear of the dark. We are living in a small world, Like we are just some lost soul swinging in a fish bowl. The human are like fish in a small bowl (The world we are watching).The real world is too big and so hard that is life after death.End of the world is not the dark and not easy to come, the angel is waiting for three warning.

The first warning is global warming, 2nd massive killing and 3rd is the distance between… Continue

Added by Faisal Alam on January 6, 2009 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

The Genocide of America.

(Cross posted at The National Gadfly)

Is the United States of America the world's largest dealer of illegal drugs? What about the world's largest gun runner? For years our government has used the CIA, NSA & other super-secret 'intelligence' agencies to cultivate drug harvest and distribution in SE Asia and Afghanistan. We offer 'aid' and 'trade' to countries in the forms of weapons and ammunition. The drugs come…


Added by the national gadfly on January 6, 2009 at 10:17am — No Comments

a letter to my Palestinian brothers in gaza and everywhere

Dear Palestinian brothers,

It is with a heavy heart I write to you today. Gaza is burning. The border with Israel is under fire. Children on both sides of the fence are terrified, traumatized for life, wounded in body and soul. Life!! Life is lost. Blood flows! Pain and tears and anguish abound.

How familiar it all is, my brothers? How well we know these images, this fear clutching our throats, hope slipping away from our hearts?

A new year has begun. I am… Continue

Added by Achinoam Nini/Noa on January 6, 2009 at 9:07am — 104 Comments


.....I am honored to be asked to join groups but there is something I must say...it is only my opinion and is not intended to offend anyone...my whole purpose of life is to try and unite the Kind Loving souls of this planet...so that they may reach out to those that have never been shown Unconditional Love...Unconditional Love is the cornerstone of a Kind person...I have won the Universal lottery...and had as much if not more Unconditional Love than anyone that has ever walked this planet...it… Continue

Added by Johnnie on January 6, 2009 at 4:40am — 1 Comment








I have half a mind to fly to Haiti and buy exactly, let's see, last count here

"Akiva to myron joshua, susan oppenheim, Corey Gil-Shuster, majed abusalama..., Chenae and 63… Continue

Added by toeg on January 6, 2009 at 1:47am — No Comments

Taunggok NLD chair’s jail term extended by 15 years

Jan 5, 2009 (DVB)–Burmese authorities last month extended the sentence of Taunggok township National League for Democracy chairman Min Aung, who had been serving a two-and-a-half-year jail term in Sagaing's Kalay prison.

NLD spokesperson and information wing member Nyan Win said Min Aung was sentenced to an additional 15 years in prison under the electronics act at a court hearing held in Sagaing division's Tamu township from 10 to 17… Continue

Added by Candle4Burma on January 6, 2009 at 1:18am — No Comments

Activist arrested for Independence Day salute

Activist arrested for Independence Day salute Jan 5, 2009 (DVB)–Private tutor Aung Pe from Twan Tay township in Rangoon division was arrested on Burmese independence day yesterday after he saluted a national monument with his hands tied.

National League for Democracy spokesperson Nyan Win said Aung Pe had been arrested after making the gesture.

"He tied his own hands up and saluted the Independence monument. He was arrested… Continue

Added by Candle4Burma on January 6, 2009 at 1:16am — No Comments

New Beginnings

Very recently I started getting into poetry - I find it very soothing.

Anyways, here's a two-liner:

"To think me God, he am I not, not even in the end;

Though like him, oh so forever, I will be your friend."

It's short and sweet :).

Here's another along a similar theme of friendship/God:

"To each of you: upon my hand have I carved they name;

A gift of life, a feat of strength, to me you're not a game."

And lastly, another two-liner (I wrote… Continue

Added by Joseph Stinziano on January 6, 2009 at 1:16am — No Comments

The Philosophy of Community


- Everyone who wishes to be is included in our community; there are no a priori conditions for involvement or participation

- There is no a priori ideology on issues; every social and professional class of people is included, regardless of background or ideology


- Humanity is highly diverse, in innumerable ways

- We embrace diversity, and see in it a source of strength and vitality

- We respect the differences between human beings;… Continue

Added by Bruce Schuman on January 6, 2009 at 1:00am — 6 Comments

We are change

I really believe that one person can make a huge difference. Not all the difference this world needs, but make a difference nonetheless. We first have to open our minds, souls and hearts (which means opening our ears and hands too), and then we need some "head-cleanup". We have to open up to change, to diversity, to process... and we have to get rid of some ideas that have created huge, isolating walls... With that, we would be making a difference already. We cannot fear change or being… Continue

Added by Majo Aldana on January 6, 2009 at 12:39am — No Comments

Woman activist sentenced to 26 years in prison

by Than Htike Oo

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) - A court inside Mandalay's Oh Bo prison has sentenced Kathy Aung, a woman activist, to 26 years in prison. She had been arrested on charges of unlawful association.

Kathy Aung, was handed a long prison term on November 24, 2008 on charges that she had attended training imparted by an exiled opposition group, Forum for Democracy in Burma (FDB), based near the Thai- Burma border in… Continue

Added by Candle4Burma on January 6, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments



When dry eyes can find no new tears..

When unhealthy bodies can find no

more years

When wars can find no more soldiers

to fight them

When Humanity has abolished all of its

reasons to embrace its fears

When we find enough love to replace

all of our hate

When we celebrate no borders between us

When we willingly refuse to capitulate

When we grasp destiny and choose to… Continue

Added by Daton O Fullard on January 6, 2009 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

The State Of My World

The only world I can talk about, the only world where I can choose what to feel is my own world. To remain in my own world without being egocentric is the only way for me to be able to show compassion, to be able to respect people and to care and share, to be peaceful without being a zealous dreamer. At moments when this is the state of my world, I often can't find words anymore to express what I see, what I feel. And as I experienced today at work, this is certainly not the perfect energy to… Continue

Added by Lidewy on January 5, 2009 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Is the method of waging a battle greater than, or equal to, the actual battle?

I am reminded of three quotes, during this time of conflict:

“If we fight a war and win it with H-bombs, what history will remember is not the ideals we were fighting for but the methods we used to accomplish them. These methods will be compared to the warfare of Genghis Khan who ruthlessly killed every last inhabitant of Persia.” (anonymous author)

"There never was a good war or a bad peace". (Benjamin Franklin)

"I would rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent… Continue

Added by Sharon R. Aldridge on January 5, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Happiness - Self-Knowledge


When you say, “I want to be happy,” what does that mean to you?

What is happiness? When I’m not caught in the hooks of tomorrow, nor being tormented by the past, when I’m lost and found in that one singularity in the moment called now where I experience passion without having to every define “for what.”

When I am in love and I am filled with love, but I don’t know the lover’s name, when I understand but I don’t know what it is that I have understood,… Continue

Added by David Klamph on January 5, 2009 at 9:36pm — 7 Comments

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