February 2009 Blog Posts (532)

gull song #1

white heat - pours from me ,

now rupturing a destiny -

as sane, as safe, as sterile as a tideless wake.

Come fly with me, lest spindrift pull your soul into life's undertow.

Added by margo buccini on February 26, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

25 random things about me...

1. I have trauma induced osteo arthritis for which i have now got 2 titanium half knees

2. I lost my first child to adoption under *severe* duress in Ireland in 1981

3. I am not religious but am VERY spiritual

4. I value and respect the friends I have

5. One of my sons is a doctor of philosophy

6. I do voluntary shop work for Cancer Research and LOVE it

7. I love watching nature documentries on tv

8. I love… Continue

Added by Annamaria Brown on February 26, 2009 at 10:23am — 2 Comments

Light of love

Helen Keller:

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding line, and no way of knowing how near the harbor was. "Light! Give me light!" was the wordless cry of my soul, and the…

Added by Anita on February 26, 2009 at 7:03am — No Comments


The difficulty of the situation lies in one's own state of mind. To

make something big as small or to make something small as big depends

on one's state of mind. When one's state of mind is good, to deal

with situations becomes easy. So even difficult situations are

crossed over with great ease. Then there will be no dependency on the

external situations to change the internal state of mind. That is,

there will never be a reaction to external situations but there… Continue

Added by RajaYogi BK Karunaji on February 26, 2009 at 6:53am — No Comments

Wage Peace

W a g e P e a c e

- M a r y O l i v e r

Wage peace with your breath.

Breathe in firemen and rubble,

breathe out whole buildings

and flocks of redwing blackbirds.

Breathe in terrorists and breathe out sleeping children

and freshly mown fields.

Breathe in confusion and breathe out maple trees.

Breathe in the fallen

and breathe out lifelong friendships intact.

Wage peace with your listening:


Added by bodhi on February 26, 2009 at 5:13am — No Comments

Comprehensive News and Video Coverage of Ryan Keith Skipper's Murder Trial

Veiw Video of Pat and Lynn Speak About Ryan's Life, Death, and Hate Crimes


I've been following the trial of one of Ryan Skipper's accused killers on TV and online. Closing arguments were completed today, the first thing tomorrow, 2/26/09, the Judge will gives jury instructions, after which, they'll begin deliberations. If… Continue

Added by R. Zeke Fread on February 26, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

Vote for my VIDEO Special Effects 3D animation!!! Peace in/eternal!!!

Help a Bradah (brother) Out! Good Karma!!!

Growing up in Hawaii, I surfed a lot at Zombies Kailua Oahu “Tiger Shark Breeding and feeding ground!” on the south east shore. I seen many tiger sharks up close and personal. One week the island was tracking the largest tiger shark ever caught. Me and my friend Virgil estimated that the shark was still close to the north shore and went surfing. We had an erie feeling then out of the BLUE the shark breached water right next to us and knocked… Continue

Added by Araphiel Brown on February 25, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments


Apagón el 28 de Febrero.

El Planeta es tuyo, es mio, es de todos, por eso cuídalo y apaga la luz durante 15 minutos para darle un respiro este SÁBADO 28 de FEBRERO.

Este es el lema que nos propone apagar todas las luces para darle un respiro al planeta. Promovido por WWF, ya cuenta con el apoyo de más de 500 ciudades, el Cristo Redentor de Río de Janeiro, la Torre Eiffel en París, la estatua de Merlion en Singapur,…

Added by matahari on February 25, 2009 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Why Sing For The Children Is So Important

Hi friends,

I am so very grateful to Casper & Kelly for stepping up and taking some action to help prevent child abuse. I am a survivor of sexual, emotional & physical child abuse that began at the age of six and continued into my teen years. I became more or less a renegade AS A RESULT OF THIS TREATMENT.

At age sixteen I gave birth to a child a, son who was also a victim… Continue

Added by LeClara on February 25, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Hola a todos

I am from Colombia, i live in Barcelona, only speak spanish , but i understand i can read , regards

Added by Gloria on February 25, 2009 at 8:28pm — 2 Comments

Blog for a cause

World Peace is possible. Together we can. Peace requires very little effort.

As little as just sharing your thoughts and ideas on how we can inspire peace around us. As little as writing a peace message to a leader of your choice. As little as expressing yourself through a graphic or capturing a photograph depicting peace. As little as reaching out to us to share your message with peace ambassadors. As little as participating in Message for Peace contest by Rotary Club of Purulia. As… Continue

Added by Sandeep on February 25, 2009 at 8:12pm — No Comments

Day 27 of the Season For Nonviolence: "Generosity"

Greetings, family!

Today is Wednesday, February 25, Day 27 of the Season For Nonviolence, and the thought for today is GENEROSITY.

Mother Teresa said, “There is a hidden poverty more pervasive than lack of money. It is the poverty of the heart.” Look at ways you can contribute to your family, friends and community through your generosity. You will see how your generous gift comes back to you.

The more generous you are today, the more generosity you will have… Continue

Added by Janis Kelly on February 25, 2009 at 7:40pm — 1 Comment

Let's Act Together

Friends of many nations

We gather here to say

Let's act together as if

We're one big family today

For all our children's futures

Should be held in our own hands

Not bartered by some business

Or maimed by armies on our lands

This world is large but finite

We have no more room to grow

The food we need for all to eat

Must come from what we sow

And if we divert our efforts

From battles over dwindling oil

And… Continue

Added by Dave, aka Rhumour on February 25, 2009 at 5:37pm — No Comments

Answer to the War on Terror

So I got lost on my way to an interview (which I missed), and since I was in the area, I walked through the Southwest Group art showcase on Welch Road and Sigma Road, I think. Obviously it's a very inspiring place. It was like being in a smaller version of the Louvre...only you can buy stuff...amazing. http://www.swgallery.com/browse_artist.aspx

Ok, so here's the idea:

The idea centers around converting terrorists to use non-lethal force, and in so-doing, forge a new… Continue

Added by Matthew Houston on February 25, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Los premios de poesia Niram Art 2009 Madrid (video)

Con una asistencia de mas de 100 personas, amantes de la cultura, rumanos y españoles, La Asociación hispano - rumana DIALOGO EUROPEO, La Revista NIRAM ART y las Galerías de Arte NICOLE BLANCO han otorgado los Premios de Poesía NIRAM ART 2009 – a los poetas rumanos Ioan Es. Pop y Claudiu Komartin para la actividad literaria desarrollada en el espacio europeo. Tambien recibieron diplomas de…

Added by Gelu Vlasin on February 25, 2009 at 5:29pm — No Comments


When my wife became pregnant with our daughter I thought that it would be nice to write her a song so that she would have a special gift from her daddy. I wrote her a lullabye called "Sweet Dreams" which you can buy on a CD called "Serenity is Me" at my web site Meditations by Matthew.

It was my first attempt at writing something mellow and relaxed. As I began playing it to everyone that I knew, they all enjoyed it and thought it was… Continue

Added by Meditations by Matthew on February 25, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

ash wednesday

Be not afraid to kiss the dawn -

In sunlight, White Light, we are born,

While Moon's placenta

wraps the sky -

Stars' symphony masks a baby's cry.

The ruptured mist of nebula at play -

through lacerated dreams that mark the day,

And first light haunts dark density -

disclosing shadows - our new born destiny -

Glimmering Sunbursts through the blue of night -

Magenta/purple fills our… Continue

Added by margo buccini on February 25, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Evolve for peace

Before you begin, let me offer these words. I’m not apologizing, but I do realize many of you have and or are still working very hard for what you have and believe that it is a good thing to accumulate stuff, money, etc, to live a big life, have nice things and to leave your children with a fine inheritance… Good good…

These comments are not meant as an attack, but instead as commentary on American consumerism, something that has brought our country nearly to its knees, and by… Continue

Added by gabriel on February 25, 2009 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

25 Random Things About Me

1) No one but my Family knows that I have a very Green Thumb..I can grow anything I set in the ground..A gift from My Grandparents who were organic earth lovers long before it was fashionable to be..We cured smoked preserved virtually everything..Their homemade Iced Tea Lemonade and Ice Cream recipes are still part of the early Family secrets in my care...shhhh don't say that to loud..

2) I have always had many different pets… Continue

Added by Daton O Fullard on February 25, 2009 at 10:30am — 39 Comments

Let The World Know...His Children Can Do Anything

Tonight 2/25/09 the President of the U.S. Barrack Obama gave a speech before a joint session of the U.S. congress. It was as most Obama speeches a speech of soaring rhetoric and high ideals. His mission is to restore the feeling of grand purpose to the American people...let them know that they are a people called to accomplish great things. Obama is considered an inspiring orator and a great visionary. The speech was rousing and it was interrupted by a number of standing ovations by… Continue

Added by Rudi Abdullah Mwongozi on February 25, 2009 at 8:33am — 2 Comments

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